
External Wall Insulation

Over a third of the energy required to heat a property escapes through the external walls. Over recent years, Decent Homes Standards coupled with amendments to Part L of the Building Regulations have recognised the importance of conserving energy, demanding increased standards in insulation, improving thermal performance and reducing carbon emissions.

Alltype Building Contractors is experienced in the installation of external wall insulation as part of the Decent Homes Programme. Surveys of properties are completed to establish construction and calculation made to ascertain the thickness and desired material of insulation board to be fixed. Further tests and calculations are completed to establish ‘U values’ (the rate at which a building transfers heat) allowing improvement to thermal insulation to be calculated.

Insulation boards are mechanically fixed to the outside of the building, covered with a mesh prior to them being covered in a variety of silicone based render finishes.

More Information regarding this is available in our portfolio of completed projects.